Monday, November 23, 2015

ThanksGivingBack at Home Fax Inspections & Nationwide Home Fax

The holidays are among us, and what a wonderful time they are! Many of us are fortunate enough to spend time with our families, celebrate the festivities, and have a warm home with a roof over our heads.

Unfortunately for some though, these times are filled with grief, disappointment, and a feelings of isolation. Residents of Flint, Michigan, for example, are just starting to receive clean drinking water, as their water has been contaminated with lead, yet these residents still pay for their water just as you or I do. 

The number of homeless individuals continues to rise in many areas and states, such as Detroit, Hawaii, Los Angeles, and New York City. Many others face constant persecution, hunger, poverty and more. Some are unemployed and not able to enjoy the time and festivities because of financial burdens, even forced to work through such times just to put food on the table for their family. The list goes on-and-on, people are in need all over the country and world.

Join Home Fax Inspections and Nationwide Home Fax™ in the 2nd annual ThanksGivingBack promotion to help families in need. Treat others the way you wish to be treated as Christ himself emphasizes, share the blessings you’ve received to help those in need, and keep these people and families in your thoughts and prayers.

As we journey into the holiday season and beyond, take time enjoying all that the holidays have in store for us, but let us remember our true purpose for why we’re here and help those who are not as fortunate to have the necessities we often take for granted. 

Join us next week as we discuss Holiday safety tips & touch ups for around the home!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Who’s controlling the inspection process?

During the last segment we discussed some impact examples of a Seller’s Inspection process. In case you missed it, check it out here.

Here’s a real example of how controlling the inspection process effects everyone involved:

A buyer’s inspection was completed on a $160,000 home. ¾” separation gaps were observed along the foundation tuck point where the landscaping grade continuously directed water into the basement windows (which were not insulated and exposed). A broken downspout drainage extension in the same location was directing more water into the same area, causing mold to spread into the basement while penetrating the electrical wires for the control valve box.

Using the inspection report from Home Fax Inspections, the buyers negotiated $25,000 off the price, purchasing the home for $135,000. The buyers resolved the issue for less than $2,000 before taking possession of the home, 2 months later, saving them $23,000. 

Pretty good return on investment for the buyers who paid a $400 inspection price, wouldn’t you say?

Now as a seller or agent, you may be cringing. Why?

Not only did the seller lose out on $23,000 from the purchase price, since they could have made the same repairs for $2,000, but the time it took to close increased the sellers process by around 6 weeks. Since they were relocating, this increased their expense for temporary housing and travel, consumed enormous amounts of their time, and had no positive outcome for the seller who thought they were too busy, and wanted to save money, instead of having the same repairs completed themselves. 

If that was the end of the atrocity, it would be enough. But it wasn’t…

With a 3% commission, the buyer and seller agent each lost approximately $1,000 (or 25% of their total commission percentage) and invested hours, days, and weeks of additional time, potentially leading to the loss of additional sales or clients as a result.

Needless to say, a seller’s inspection would have saved enormous amounts of time, money, and hassle. Don’t wait until it’s too late to control the inspection process. Work smarter, not harder.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Sellers Inspections: Advantages for Sellers, Agents & Buyers

Although buyers are most commonly known for having a home inspection completed, many sellers and agents are starting to see the enormous benefits from Seller’s Inspections and Pre-Listing Inspections. 

This approach has positive benefits for the seller, buyer, and agent.

  • During a Seller’s Inspection, the inspector works for the seller. 
  • This allows the seller to assist the inspector during the inspection
  • Become aware of any safety issues or defects before a buyer walks away
  • Shop competitive bids to repair any defects (or lighten the effect of a surprise defect)
  • Price the home accordingly (instead of renegotiating the purchase price with inflated demands) &
  • Have corrections made to the report that can be used as a marketing tool for sellers and agents.

Ultimately, buyers may waive their inspection contingency all together, potentially saving sellers tens of thousands of dollars from the purchase price, while increasing the commission amount of the agent and broker.

Check back as next time we’ll discuss how controlling the home inspection process will save you time, money, and hassle.